Apocryphi testamenti novi

Apocryphi testamenti novi


Papyrus Oxyrhynchos 840

Papyrus Egerton

Evangelium Ebionitum

Evangelium Petri

Evangelium Thomae

Evangelium Judae

Pistis Sophia

Protevangelium Jacobi

Didache xii apostolorum

Barnabae epistula

Acta Pauli

Acta Joannis (ed. M. Bonnet)

Acta Petri et Pauli

Acta Philippi in Hellade

Acta et martyrium Matthaei

Acta Thomae

Consummatio Thomae

Martyrium Bartholomaei

Acta Thaddaei

Acta Iohannis (ed. K. Tischendorf)

Pseudo-Matthaei Evangelium

De nativitate Mariae

Historia Iosephi

Evangelium infantiae Arabicum

Acta Pilati

Gesta Pilati

Evangelium Nicodemi

Epistola Pontii Pilati

Anaphora Pilati

Mors Pilati

Narratio Iosephi

Vindicta Salvatoris

Λόγια Ἰησοῦ. Sayings of our Lord from an Early Greek Papyrus. Edited by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. London: Corner, 1897.

The Unwritten Sayings of Christ. Edited by C. G. Griffinhoofe. Cambridge: Heffer and Sons, 1903.

New Sayings of Jesus and Fragment of a Lost Gospel from Oxyrhynchus. Edited by B. P. Grenfell, L. W. Drexel, and A. S. Hunt. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1904.

The Oxyrhynchus Sayings of Jesus. By Charles Taylor. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1905.

Paralipomena: remains of Gospels and Sayings of Christ. By Bernhard Pick. Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company, 1908.

The Sayings of Jesus from Oxyrhynchus. Edited by H. G. Evelyn White. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1920.

The Sayings of Jesus Nazareth. With Preface by J. A. Robertson. London: The Swarthmore Press, 1920.

Apocrypha III: Agrapha, new Oxyrhynchus Logia. Edited by E. Klostermann. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell and Co, 1905.

The Gospel According to Peter, and the Revelation of Peter. By J. A. Robinson and M. R. James. London: Clay, 1892.

Evangelia apocrypha. Adhibitis plurimis codicibus Graecis et Latinis maximan partem nunc primum consultis atque ineditorum copia insignibus. Collegit atque recensuit Constantinus de Tischendorf. Editio altera. Leipzig: Mendelssohn, 1876.

Acta apostolorum apocrypha. Ex triginta antiquis codicibus Graecis vel nunc primum eruit vel secundum atque emendatius edidit Constantinus Tischendorf. Leipzig: Avenarius et Mendelssohn, 1851.

Acta apostolorum apocrypha post Constantinum Tischendorf denuo ediderunt Ricardus Adelbertus Lipsius et Maximilianus Bonnet. 2 part. (3 vol.). Leipzig: Mendelssohn, 1891 – 1903.

The Contendings of the Apostles, being The Histories of the lives and martyrdoms and deaths of the Twelve Apostles and Evangelists. Vol. I. The Ethiopic text. By E. A. Wallis Budge. London: Henry Frowde, 1899.

The Contendings of the Apostles, being The Histories of the lives and martyrdoms and deaths of the Twelve Apostles and Evangelists. Vol. II. The English translation. By E. A. Wallis Budge. London: Henry Frowde, 1901.

Acta mythologica apostolorum. Transcribed from an Arabic MS in the convent of Deyr-Es-Suriani, Egypt, and from MSS in the convent of St Catherine, on mount Sinai. With two legends from a Vatican MS by Prof. Ignazio Guidi, and an appendix of Syriac palimpsest fragments of the Acts of Judas Thomas from cod. Sin. Syr. 30. By Agnes Smith Lewis. // Horae Semiticae No III. London: Clay and Sons, 1904.

The Mythological Acts of the Apostles. Translated from an Arabic MS in the convent of Deyr-Es-Suriani, Egypt, and from MSS in the convent of St Catherine on mount Sinai and in the Vatican library. With a traslation of the palimpsest fragments of the Acts of Judas Thomas from cod. Sin. Syr. 30. By Agnes Smith Lewis. // Horae Semiticae No IV. London: Clay and Sons, 1904.

Anecdota sacra et profana ex oriente et occidente allata sive Notitia codicum Garaecorum, Arabicorum, Syriacorum, Copticorum, Hebraicorum, Aethiopicorum, Latinorum. Edidit Const. Tischendorf. Leipzig: Graul, 1855.

Apocrypha anecdota. By Montague Rhodes James. // Texts and Studies 2.3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1893.